
What Are The Rhetorical Techniques Used In Brutus Persuasive Speech

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What Are The Rhetorical Techniques Used In Brutus Persuasive Speech
In the Shakespeare play Julius Caesar , Brutus and Mark Antony both give speeches to persuade the Roman people whether or not Caesar died for the good of Rome or so someone else could come into power. Based on the rhetorical appeals used in both speeches, Brutus’s speech was the most effective one in persuading the Roman citizens.
In his speech Brutus uses pathos to appeal to the emotions of the Roman citizens. He states,” Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.” He uses this phrase to persuade the people that he did it for them because he cared about their well being more and would do anything for them. Brutus used this technique because the people are most likely mad that he just killed their leader, but if he can put it

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