The first branch of government is the Legislative Branch, which consists of the House and the Senate. This branch can do a lot of things like having ideas for new laws, being able to declare war, control taxing and spending policies, and they also control interstate and foreign commerce. The legislative process is how laws are made. Laws are just ideas made by a representative, then that representative sponsors a bill, and then that bill is sent to a committee to study. If the committee releases the bill after the study, they assign a date on …show more content…
Some of the jobs of the judicial branch are to interpret the meaning of laws, apply laws to individual court cases, and to decide if the bills sent to them violate the constitution. The judicial branch is made up of only nine members, they are also known as the nine justices. The judicial branch wasn’t always this way though, back when the three branches of government were first created, the US only allowed there to be six justices. The US Constitution allows Congress to decide how many justices are allowed to be in the judicial branch at once. During the earlier years of the US congress had changed the number of justices in the judicial branch quite a bit but in 1869, just a few years after the end of the US civil war, congress finally came to an agreement that only 9 justices would be allowed in the judicial branch. Just like the presidential cabinet, all justices are nominated by the president and approved by the Senate. When the president appoints a person to become a member of the judicial branch, they are in that position for the rest of their life unless