
What Buddha Never Taught By Tim Ward Summary

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What Buddha Never Taught By Tim Ward Summary
The religion of Buddhism does not believe in the all mighty nor does it say that human beings behave the way they do as a result of god. According to the culture of Buddhism human beings behave the way they want and they choose themselves.
The story by ward describes the lives of the monks who were living in the forests of Thailand and it also draws light on the culture, beliefs and traditions of Buddhism. Tims book is a spiritual journey into the lives of monks. Based on Ward's wonderful story of the time spent in a Buddhist monastery located in the forests of Thailand, their were a lot of things that Buddha never mentioned to his disciples. Some of the things that Buddha never mentioned to his disciples were getting up early at 3.AM for
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In the book “ what Buddha never taught” although Tim Ward uses light tone in narrating his story, but still manages to highlight the important issues from time to time. Tim ward in his book highlights the practice in Buddhism and how it is conduced in Thailand, which is an important aspect of this book. The book further goes on telling the importance of Buddhism in Thai society and how in might effect as the culture chances. The most exciting features in this book is the argument among the writer and specialist named Jim. They both arrive at the wat at the same time. The argument between the author and the specialist throw light on the feelings and observations, which are both right and wrong. Although it is made clear in the book that Jim does have a fair bit of knowledge of the customs and traditions of Thai but his knowledge on Buddhism and culture and traditions of Thai is still limited just like ward.
The book by ward is an interesting piece of literature, which would be fascinating for various readers. The book draws more light on western traditions than it does on Thailand and Buddhism in Theravada. The story by ward describe about the planet of

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