Suburban developments are becoming more and more likely to contain older people (aged 65 and older). “Over 80% of older Americans live in metropolitan areas (i.e., urban and suburban communities), compared with only 5% in rural communities.” (Page 310) When we refer to “the graying of the suburbs,” we are referring to the phenomenon that “a greater proportion of people who moved into suburban development in the 1960s and 1070s have raised their children and remained in these communities after retirement, and fewer younger families are moving into these areas.” (Page 311) One disadvantage to living in a suburban can be the lack …show more content…
It is a way for “caregivers or health professionals to keep an eye on care recipients from a distance by using electronic communication devices; it can enable older adults to remain at home safely and provide families with peace of mind or alert them to potential problems before they become crises.” (Page 337) Telehealth goes hand in hand with telemonitoring; telehealth is when “health information is transmitted electronically from the patient’s home to his or her physician’s office.” This means that an older person does not have to leave the comfort or safety of his/her home in order to send their health information to their doctors, or even to their families across the country. Also, physicians and nurses are increasing communication with their older patients online. Other kinds of technologies are emerging that remind elders when to take their medication. Homes, such as smart homes, are starting to become designed specifically for the purpose of aging-in-place. Smart homes are “equipped with technology that connects all the devices and appliances in a home to communicate with the resident,” (Page 348) so that simply by the resident’s voice command, lights will turn on, a door will open, or a room’s temperature will be regulated. Also, robots can help an older person stay at home because of the range of chores they are able to …show more content…
Why do you think interdisciplinary teams are important when it comes to dealing with elderly persons?
An interdisciplinary team is a group of “specialists from different disciplines or professions such as medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and social work communicate with each other to coordinate their services on behalf of patient care.” (Page 399) Interdisciplinary teams are extremely important, because elderly people have many different problems and needs. Often one need is met, while another need is left unnoticed, overlooked, or unaddressed. Interdisciplinary teams are important because they provide a way for a person to receive the best medical care.
4b. Consider the type of position that you will be seeking when you finish your college degree, will you interact with older people and