The situations I dealt with in my own life I did not always see His hand at the moment. Taking the time to stop and look behind me, I guess you could say I see the bigger picture. It took me longer to get to where I needed to be because of my own selfish ways. I see that I made it to where God has called me to be, it’s because of Him and Him alone. It’s not anything of my own accord. Through the times where I went through family situations that caused me to question “God why?” I simply see He was also preparing me for the strength that I prayed for long ago that I would help someone that was going through the exact same thing that I was. For the times that I wandered my own path, God shown me that even though you want your will, it’s My will that will prevail. I realized that He orders my steps. He is working everything for my good and His glory. When my ways were meant for destruction, that there would also be consequences for the actions of sin that I caused because of the times I chose to go my own way instead of following Him. I can not tell you the times where God has strategically placed people in my life to let me know and to remind me that what I was doing was not of Him. He let me know that I needed to get back on track and that God was still waiting with open arms. He was always been by my side …show more content…
In your life do not forget. In that valley, I was there leading and guiding you. When you did not see it, even when you weren’t sure if I was even by your side, even through all the questioning and wondering why, I have and always will be there right beside you. I will be leading you and showing that I was there every step of the way. Remember Me! Always know that with every valley there is two wonderful mountain tops on either side. There is always a brighter day. When I lead you to that mountain top.. Or to that answered prayer that you have prayed about, to where “the grass is greener” do not forget who I am. Remember all that I have done for you and what I brought you out of. Remember you wouldn’t be where you are today if it wasn’t for Me, do not forget who I am. When things seem to be going in your favor, do not forget that I am the I am, and I control everything that occurs. Do not forget that the wind and the seas obey Me, that I have placed everything into motion. From the waves of the ocean to the very stars in the sky and I know each by name, so nothing good can come to you unless I allow it to happen, unless I, Myself gives that