Ignorance. That is the only way that a marriage may last. I know the love is gone, and it has been gone for a long while now, but I choose to ignore it. Ignorance. We have known each other our whole lives and saying “I love you” comes as natural as brushing my teeth in the morning. We ignore the fact that it is no longer meant. Ignorance. The fact that I pretend I do not know my wife is hiding something. I see it in her eyes when she will not look at me. Ignorance. The only reason we stay together is for the kids, for the image of a perfect and happy family. Ignorance. Knowing that she is as unhappy as I, but saying everything will be okay, it’s a rough patch. I choose to live …show more content…
I could never leave this woman I have started a family with, but at the same time I can’t stay in this dead end relationship. I want the old Mina, the sassy, passionate, fearless woman she used to be. My dreams have changed, what used to be important to me is no longer relevant. How can I share my concerns with Mina without collapsing our false sense of hope, and leaving us disheartened? I know I must act, and fast. The relationship will not heal on its own, we will not come to love each other again with no hard work.
I want to make the effort to repair our broken relationship. I want to see Mina happy. I want to see myself happy. This ideal will only happen if I begin with honesty. We need to work at our relationship together telling one another our feelings so we know what to fix. It is going to be rough but I always think back to my vows. I choose to marry this woman, there must have been something special enough about her to encourage me that she was the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.
I need to make this work; for me, for my wife, for the children.
“Mina it’s only fair that I be honest with you. I’m not in love with you right now, but I want to work on growing to love you again. Would you take that journey with