This is a question that may have different answers according to the emphasis that is given. The more important approach is the geographical. Therefore, Puerto Rican are anyone that grown on the island of Puerto Rico. I emphasize in growth rather than birth, because a person may be born in P.R. and four months of age be moved to Italia where he lives the rest of his life. This individual will be Italian.
Similarly, if an individual is born in Colombia and from the age of three his parents move to P.R. and he grows here then this individual will be Puerto Rican. The other emphasis is to define the status of children of Puerto Ricans born on the island or not, that finish growing up in another country with another culture. This is the case of the so call “newyoricans”. Although most of them are identified as Puerto Ricans, many of those living on the island see them as foreigners.
Another important aspect is the definition of Puerto Rican is the age. The meaning varies according to the generation you belong. And although all Puerto Ricans believe we possess a culture based on a common history, it is important to emphasize that PR has changed dramatically, especially in the last 100 years of history. What was for my parents to be Puerto Rican is not necessarily what it means to be Puerto Rican to me. For example, the difference in the tradition, like the “parranda”. That is something that marks my parent feeling of being at Puerto Rican. To me is a story of a tradition that maybe I will do.