What is the age in which we are “old”? When asked this question, Gavin and Ian two of the younger participant’s answers were similar, stating “around 60 because that is when you would see more things like wrinkles and gray hair”. This relates to the biological forces portion of the Biopsychosocial framework. Kajal another participant in the younger group response was different from the rest stating, “Seventy, because you are retired and your done working”. In the middle age range Sean, answered, “It’s relative to the individual”. He felt age is really all in your mind. June’s answer was, “Fifty five because that is when people retire and stop working”. She said, “That’s when most people are considered to be old”. Daniel the oldest participant had this to say, “Being old is different for everyone if you stay active and have the right state of mind you’ll never really feel old. In the younger generations we saw a tendency to externalize age, looking at the physical aspects. For those in middle age and older, I noticed a tendency for it to be more relative to ones state of mind.
What is the best thing about getting old?
Gavin the youngest participant had this to say “You can pass on your life experiences and be more of a mentor.” Both of the other younger
References: Cavanaugh, J.C. Blanchard-Fields, F. (2011). Adult development and aging.