Viktor E. Frankl
Dialectic Journals
1. "Man is a being that can get used to anything." I think this means if a person is put through domething for a long enough time that they can get used to it no matter what. People in concentration camps for example were starved and beaten and made to do hard labor all day. At first the prisoner thought it impossible to do since they were sed to eating more than watery soup and a chunk a bread, but they adapted and went forward to do it. I think part of the reason for doing this is to show that they are not as weak as the Germans wanted them to be. I agree with him because people through out history have gone through some very though stuff but got used to it and succeeded in the ended.
2. "The salvation of man is through love and in love."
I think this means the only way someone can get through something as difficult as a concentration camp is knowing someone loves them on the out side of the camp or they love someone outside of the camp. The thought of someone outside waiting for you give you the determination to never quit and keep pushing forward. Frankl wrote this …show more content…
"No one has the right to do wrong, even if wrong has been done to them."
I agree no matter what has been done to you, you should not go back and do something wrong because you feel you "deserve" it for all the wrongs committed to you. It is like the old saying " Two wrongs don't make a right" meaning if someone hits you and you hit them back it does not make it right just because you both hit each other. Frankl wrote this because people in concentration camps were going out and committing crime just because they felt it ok because they just got out of a extermination camp and felt at liberty to do whatever they wanted to. This of course is wrong and the only thing it will get you is thrown into a legal prison of the country that your in.
5. "Love goes far beyond the physical person of the