Connected within this repressive system, Hogan’s work critically explores the destruction and exploitation of the environment. Broad in scope when confronting the topic, she gives the reader a strong sense of the issues faced in regard to the natural world. Providing clarity to Hogan’s worldview, she juxtaposes that which troubles her against what she views as the correct way to be in the world. She is sharply critical of Western values for covering “the American continent with a view of the natural world that did not accept the Earth was alive and that all species were sentient.” Within the dominant view, the destruction of life is inherent.…
In Richard Connell’s “The Most Dangerous Game,” Sanger Rainsford is hard hearted and does not care about the animals that he pursues; however, when Rainsford is being hunted he realizes the fear of the prey, and his perspective shifts, therefore, he gains empathy for the quarry.…
Never has a man left the embrace of nature once he found himself enamored by it; this infatuation is found in both John Muir’s and Aldo Leopold’s writing, a sense of wanting to protect this deity they call Mother Nature, a moral and ethical responsibility which every human being has to this Mother. Both John Muir and Aldo Leopold recount their almost romantic encounter with Mother Nature in their books Our National Parks and A Sand County Almanac, respectively. However, in both books it is notable that each man carries instilled in the very fiber of their being a sense of dissatisfaction toward the process of mechanization and industrialization; processes which unfortunately…
In this excerpt from his book, Last Child in the Woods, Richard Louv uses anecdote, rhetorical questions, and wistful tone to illustrate the stark separation between people and nature.…
Humankind’s threat to the earth and the natural world has been a common theme of writing since the industrial revolution and underpins The Crest. Kinsella’s forboding poem presents a powerful analogy with man’s pastoral development and it’s intrusion into the natural world.…
Connell makes the reader question the ethics of the characters driving the plot. For example, in the beginning of the story Rainsford can be seen having a very Darwinistic attitude towards hunting animals while General Zaroff has the same approach towards hunting humans. However, General Zaroff has lost sight of the value of human life entirely. He is blinded by the fact that he no longer is able to find game worthy enough for him to hunt anymore and is baffled by the fact that Rainsford refuses to agree with him. “The weak of the world were put here to give the strong pleasure. I am strong.”(Connell 18). This adds more conflict to the storyline while simultaneously placing Rainsford in a position where the hunter becomes the hunted. “I refuse to believe that so modern and civilized a young man as you seem to be harbors romantic ideas about the value of human life.” (Connell 17). At this point Rainsford is now really placed within an animal 's shoes and it is safe to say that these events have caused a drastic change to his mindset. This clash in ethics can be heavily associated with concepts of literary…
As time has progressed, our society has increasingly accepted false reality. We can now each create the experience that we feel will appease our desires. Whether this be through picking a movie to watch, selecting a song to play, or striving to beat a video game, we have become masters of what is not truly present. This message perfectly embodies Richard Louv's Last Child in the Woods, written in 2008. Writing to a pleasure-seeking, self-centered American society, Louv brings attention to the truth that we have lost interest and, therefore, respect for the natural world. In a melancholy and reminiscent tone, he writes in hope to begin a change, a return to a time where we were entertained by the world around us. Using paradox, polysyndeton, and parallel sentence structure as rhetorical strategies, Louv illustrates our gradual but definite separation from nature.…
Now days, it is hard to connect or be with the nature, especially if you live in a city. While there are people that interact with the nature every day because of their rural location. The short poem “Traveling through the Dark” by William Stafford, is about a person that encounter a dead deer in the road in the middle of the night. In the story, the narrator have to decide if he would save the unborn deer or just throw the mom deer to the river to save other people that might suffer an accident by encountering the dead body. In the poem, is interesting to see how the narrator, which represent the human world, makes a connection with the natural world by encountering the deer and debating if he/she should do something for the baby deer. Interestingly enough, Stafford give a clear description of the setting, location and time where this is occurring when he mentions, “Traveling through the dark I found a deer dead on the edge…
The flora and fauna of the world is delightful to humankind, much like a popsicle might be a delight to an individual. When one considers the rainforests and the deforestation that takes place there in order to support a growing human population, this relates to the consumption of the popsicle. People may neglect to think about the consequences of deforestation or the use of fossil fuels, even though they may be a participant in these processes through their consumption of paper products or devices that need energy. The person consuming the popsicle might also be in denial about the impermanence of the popsicle, or the consequences of consuming it. Russ Crest, an author at Beautiful Decay magazine, says of Myers and Berg’s work; “ Sometimes something must be broken or fractured in order for us to see its value. This may be especially true for our environment. Only when we see the consequences of our actions do we begin to understand our complicity in fracturing it” (Crest). People do not notice the destruction of the environment until awareness is brought to it, either in their real life or in news media. Until then, people take nature for…
Judith Beveridge’s poetry examines the ability of humans or the materialistic world to be interconnected with nature. In the poem Mulla Bulla Beach she examines a human’s ability to be part of nature, particularly from an outsiders perspective. She states “ A new world to me, but familiar”, demonstrating how she can be related to nature. She also examines an insiders perspective on the beach, in particular the fisherman, stating “ who are born hearing the sea always there” She examines how the fisherman have become part of the natural rhythm demonstrating how humans can be part of nature, and the tension between the material world and nature does not need to exist. She uses many similes to link humans or human objects to nature for example “Jellyfish clear as surgical gloves” and “ tide winded shells pacing quietly as shore runners”. These similes demonstrate how humans can not only understand but also be part of the natural rhythm. This is also seen in Judith’s poem, The Fox in a Tree Stump. Judith examines how the child feels a connection to the fox and its innocent nature stating, “ Fox hairs of dust sweated in my palms” although, this connection does not overpower the fear of her uncle, so she kills the fox. This demonstrates that although humans may feel connected to nature although this does not prevent them from destroying aspects of nature. Judith Beveridge examines the inherent tension between nature…
"Wild Grapes" is a negative poem of regret, which compares the negligence and destruction of the environment and the traditions of country life.…
In his critique, “The Trouble with Wilderness or Getting Back to the Wrong Nature,” William Cronon argues against the romantic conceptualization of nature that a great portion of the environmentalist movement has embraced. Subsequently, Cronon revokes the Romantic and even quasi-religious notion that wilderness spaces are separate from those inhabited by man. He argues that by eliminating the divide in perception between the human constructs of the natural world and the civilized world, man will be encouraged to take more responsibility for his actions that negatively impact the environment. In prefacing his conclusion, he writes, “Home, after all, is the place where finally we make our living. It is the place for which we take responsibility,…
B. Thesis: Wordsworth and Muir convey their deep connection and passion for nature by utilizing similes and hyperboles to assert the reader how much nature has affected their life.…
These sage words from “The Trashmen” hint at the fragility of the bird species, as well as emphasizing the necessity of birds in not just our physical lives, but our pop culture. In this excerpt from the book Silent Spring, Rachel Carson racks up her score in the using rhetorical devices game in an attempt to convey her heartfelt message of the bird holocaust of 1959, where the farmers (or basically bird Hitlers), sprayed gas and poison all over the innocent woodland creatures.…
In humans recent history there has been an increased noticeable mistreatment of the world around them. Humans need to know we are not the only ones living there, there are plants and animals and future offspring for all. Not only does the earth need to be treated well for them but it also needs to be treated well for us, because we rely on them for a healthy life. Many people may say that there is a connection between nature and humans theses thoughts are expressed in Annie Dillard's short story, “Living Like Weasels”. Both authors have their point of view on topics but both agree that human behavior needs to improve for a bigger better future.…