God. This is related to the Passover, where the Pharaoh of Egypt was forcing God's people (the Israelites) to be his slaves. God sent down many plagues and when the Pharaoh disagreed, he sent down one last plague. In this plague, all of the Israelites had to sacrifice a lamb, eat it and then finally put the blood of the lamb on the door frame of their house. That night, God came down and 'Passed Over' the homes, but for the ones without the blood on the door frames, the first born child would die. When the Pharaoh awoke that morning, he had found his son had died, so he let the Israelites go. On the night Jesus had the last supper with the Apostles, he asked them to take the unleavened bread and the wine, representing his body and blood in memory of him. On that same night, Jesus foretold to his disciples that one of them would betray him and Jesus would sacrifice himself to free the sins of the people. Just like the lamb, Jesus has been the sacrifice to free the people.
God. This is related to the Passover, where the Pharaoh of Egypt was forcing God's people (the Israelites) to be his slaves. God sent down many plagues and when the Pharaoh disagreed, he sent down one last plague. In this plague, all of the Israelites had to sacrifice a lamb, eat it and then finally put the blood of the lamb on the door frame of their house. That night, God came down and 'Passed Over' the homes, but for the ones without the blood on the door frames, the first born child would die. When the Pharaoh awoke that morning, he had found his son had died, so he let the Israelites go. On the night Jesus had the last supper with the Apostles, he asked them to take the unleavened bread and the wine, representing his body and blood in memory of him. On that same night, Jesus foretold to his disciples that one of them would betray him and Jesus would sacrifice himself to free the sins of the people. Just like the lamb, Jesus has been the sacrifice to free the people.