According to Britannica, World War I, which is also referred to as the first world war or the great war, was “an International conflict that took place between 1914 and 1918.” WW1 got its start with the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, who was an archduke of Austria. …show more content…
by BBC, States that life for women change dramatically during the war because so many men were away fighting. Many women took paid jobs outside the home for the first time.” Men were typically the “breadwinners”, but with the war taking place patriotism grew among the women, this led to the women working jobs that were composed of men only. These jobs included postal workers,police,firefighters,railway guards and bank tellers,just to name a few(“Striking Women”) Women were finally coming out into the light and being able to work men jobs and take care of tasks like men. Not only were women taking jobs outside the home, but they were also finding themselves in the battle trenches with the men.
As women started working these jobs reserve by men on the homefront, their roles overseas became greater in the typical roles of the women begin to change dramatically. “ Women were still into me in as workers”(Women in …show more content…
Long side she had 14 to 1000 woman who fall with her. She and many others were sexually abused but that didn’t stop her from proving her worse. Woman like her work very hard to prove they were equal as a man. The Red Cross was very important to both her and other women. Red Cross team took care of the shoulders wounds and disease. We held an eight of them the best they could. The Red Cross also provided help for thousands of refugees that came into the country during the war. When nurses in the woman who worked in the home Front would die from disease or being wounded, they would be honored just like a general one. There was an article from the New York Times reported that a nurse’s funeral with the headline “nurse who died on duty buried like a