
What Happens When Claire Gone For So Long Time When Her Father Passed Away

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What Happens When Claire Gone For So Long Time When Her Father Passed Away
Name: Catherine

Age: 25

DOB: September 4/ Virgo

Parents: Her mother died when she was younger, and very recently her father has also died

Other Family: Claire who is her sister. Catherine doesn’t like Claire very much for multiple reasons. Claire being gone for so long, and,in Catherine’s eyes, just being stupid.

Education: Dropped out of college to take care of her father before he passed away. She has a high school diploma

Social Class: Middle(?)

Occupation: None

Home Life: Her “home life” consisted of taking care of her father and focusing all of her energy on him. She didn’t truly ever take the time to do something for herself, not that there was anything else she would want to do. She spent so long taking care of him she almost
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I list this as a habit because she shuts nearly everyone out including her own sister. It has become a default for her.

Hobbies: She reads magazines that her father didn’t approve of. I can’t blame her. We all need a little mindless fun every once in awhile.

Morality: unknown?

Ambitions: Complete her college education.

Complexes/fears: She fears becoming just like her father, needing constant care and not being able to do things on her own. She fears dependency.

Superstitions: none

Attitude: Pessimistic

Religion: She doesn't exactly have a religion she follows. I suppose if there were a religion about being completely independent that she would be a part of it.

Imagination: She imagines her father is sitting there having champagne with her

Amusements: Reading, or drawing.

Physical: She never gets out of the house to do anything which would lead us to think she might be overweight but she usually forgets to eat so she stays skinny.

Walk: She walks as if she is high status, but it doesn’t matter to her and she would rather be somewhere else.

Grooming: She does not take the time to worry about things like hair or makeup, but she has surprisingly good personal hygiene.

Speech: Quick and

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