Seek extra help if you fall behind in your classes. It is really easy to fall behind, especially if you were a great student in high school who never had to work that hard. Get the help you need before you start having serious problems, and you will do great.…
It 's the rock bottom of a student 's educational career: The day a student drops out of high school. From there, the world may seem to go down in a spiral. Today, 16% of dropouts are unemployed and 32% live below the poverty line. Dropouts with jobs earn an average of only $12.75 per hour (Messacar 55). Students who do graduate from high school have an unemployment rate of only 7.6% (Bureau of Labor Statistics). While the graduation rate may be improving, there are still some out there who find it hard to adjust to the high school atmosphere after leaving their cozy little middle school. Sometimes, middle school poorly prepares their students for life in high school. Some students grow very stressed during their freshman year in high school which leads to a lower GPA. Freshman year is seen as the "make or break" year because the freshmen who fail their first year of high school will most likely drop out of high school altogether. To help these students, we can use solutions such as freshman academies, an interdisciplinary curriculum, and communication, which are a few yet effective solutions to ease a student 's transition to high school.…
The main reason why turning in your assignments on time is important is because that you’re perfect ‘A’ grade could just drop down to a horrible ‘C’ or worse. Come on, you’re in high school now, your final grade point average is what could make you get into a great college, but also get you rejected. If you don’t start taking on your responsibilities seriously from the first year of high school, everything will be left to finish in your last two years of high school. Trust me, leaving it the last two years is the worst thing you could ever possibly do. You’ll have no time for friends, games, vacations, not even for your family. What makes it even worse is that you’ll get into a poor college, even though you practically wasted your whole high school life for it.…
High school should be the time of your life. You should take the classes that you want and spend as much time with your friends. However, there are some high schools that don't provide as many opportunities as other schools contain. Some do not have the kind of money to even take care of the students and some don't even have enough books to educate them. I have had the privilege to learn in an environment that contains enough books and supplies for all of the students attending the schools. There were many classes that were open to me and one specific one that touched me the most was Spanish.…
High school is a time when challenges are all around, the only difference is sometimes a person doesn’t see them even though there right in front of their face. In other words they are still too young to have the experience to recognize them. Last year I dealt with the challenge of re-evaluating my major of what I thought I wanted to do as a career. For years I felt strong…
Dear Portfolio reader it has been an eye opening experience for my first year of college.. It has prepared me for future college years. College 90 has given me a book load of memories to share and live from. I have learned many skills throughout this course and I am ready for 101!…
When I was in middle school I would always do my homework every day and keep my average high, but know i'm going down on my average as soon as I went into high school. When I started high school I made myself a promise. I told myself the same thing I told myself in middle school “I will do my best and do my homework all week”, but that didn't happen. It was already the last week of the first 9 weeks, and I was already failing my english and reading class. I was failing english because I didn't do the SAQ’s ( Short Answer Question) during class or for homework. I was failing my reading class because I didn't do my homework…
Things that I have learned so far about high school is that the more you will realize who your friends are they will really start showing you their “true colors”. Furthermore balancing the workload is a very hard task because you have extra curriculum and other responsibilities dealing with your household. Being in high school you aren't going to get pampered or a teacher constantly coming to you, tell you that you have work due , missing assignments , being in class on time and keeping up with your grades . Also , I have learned that you shouldn't wait unit the last minute to turn work in or ask for extra credit , most certainty you shouldn't wait until the day before the due date to turn in your assignments . By having other classes that will be due…
High school is an important step in the life of a teenager, it determines the places you will go prior to your education. High school to me is what I have been both looking forward to and not looking forward to my whole life. Everything about excites me yet it overwhelms me simultaneously making my thoughts about high school mixed. The idea of going to high school is very exciting because of all the amazing things I could experience but also scary because I don’t know what the world has in store for me there. To this day the idea of it frustrates me knowing that I will never make up my mind about whether I’ll like it until I get there. My biggest fear going into high school is being able to balance out my schoolwork out with…
High school was my time to stop fooling around. The first day of high school, I awoke to the aroma of coffee brewing on the stove. As I get ready to head out my sister approached me, and told me “Education is the key that opens the door many possibilities you can be and do in your near future” I was so nervous the sweat started dripping from my palms, and I suddenly felt 15 degrees hotter. I was nervous, I knew this is the time to get serious. Immediately a thought came across “ how well I do these four years can affect my entire life”. At first high school might look like a time to have fun and have no worries, which was my initial thought. Later on you start to realize that you need work hard. I thought “How would my future look? I don’t want to end up hopelessly. I want to make something of myself. Sometimes it can be hard though. I just have to work through the pain. At this point it’s make it or break it, success is my only…
After saying that you need to work super hard, many people draw the wrong conclusion that in order to succeed in school, you have to work every single second and there is no time to enjoy life. That is not the point of what I’m trying to say. I mean, yes. You do have to work hard. However, you still need to relax. Stressing out your brain too much over school is unhealthy. I know for a fact that it was scientifically proven that having too much stress can cause a person to become sick physically and/or mentally. Obviously, if you started to become sick frequently, you would miss school as a result and it will be hard for you to catch up in your classes! (Trust me, I have learned this the hard way as well.) So it’s also very important that you just relax at times and have fun. (Note: THIS DOES NOT MEAN PRIORITIZING FUN OVER YOUR…
Paying attention in class, the second step of surviving college is imperative, once you’re in college you become an adult, your professors will treat you like an adult. It’s your responsibility to turn in papers on time, showing up to class every day and taking needed notes. If you fail to follow any of these rules it’s no one fault but yours. Moreover try not skipping many classes. Once you skip or miss a class you will miss a whole lesson and it’s your duty to acquire all the work you missed.…
High school has been an unyielding path. These four years of my high school career have had some positive and even some negative conflicts. Initially, I was very naive and I did not put much effort into school. My grades had dropped at a point where I was having some difficulty to bring them back up, mainly because I was never too strong in subjects such as math or English. But that was an issue that I had to face by worrying less and concentrating more. However, throughout these four years of high school I have improved my ability to learn and also have identified the creative and thoughtful side of me and with these skills I have given back to my community by making it cleaner and more efficient for the next generation. Thankfully, with…
When I first stepped into Anderson High School as a freshman, I was exceedingly confident in myself. I played sports, had gotten good grades, and planned to have an amazing high school career. Freshman and sophomore year were a breeze. If I am being straightforward, I did not focus much on my schoolwork. I did what was required of me and got good grades, but I did not go above and beyond. I had always been told by upperclassman, “It only gets harder from here. Enjoy it while you can.” Now I realize what that means.…
Some would say high school are some of the hardest years of your life. It’s when things start looking at colleges, figure out what you want to do with your life. You don’t get to choose if you can skip a class or not, classes are mandatory. In high school, you start to get a taste of real responsibility. Middle school and elementary was too easy, but in high school you have more…