English 90 did not only refresh me of things I learned in high school but it has refined them. Using correct punctuation was an unclear problem I never could get a grasp on until English 90. Difficult tasks such as starting and ending my essays are a thing of the past. Now I know to brainstorm ideas and narrow them to a specific topic. Essays used to take me a plethora of hours to complete and now I know how to make an efficient outline that allows me to complete essays a significant amount. Keeping my work organized and functional was a key part of my success in English 90. Having an outline to guide me through the semester allowed …show more content…
College English has less homework and builds up to one essay. The main thing I disliked in high school English was the overwhelming amount of homework given out per day. I am personally a more perfectionist kind of guy and love the amount of time we get working up to our final project which is our essays. One day to finish assignments and make it great was a difficult task to accomplish. Having multiple days taking steps such as brainstorming, outlining and making a rough draft have impacted my overall skills in general an incredible amount.
English 90 has been a joy to be in. My Teacher Miss Rasmussen, has been an incredible impact on my success. Her lectures are very thorough and I have learned something new every class period. The total atmosphere when I go to class is like nothing I have ever experienced. Most the people in my class enjoy it as much as I do which brings the work environment to life. It really has been a pleasure taking this class, but now It’s time to move