What impact did WWI have on African nationalism?
Due to the effects of the war, many of the European nations needed more soldiers and jobs to be taken up for progress. Even though they fought courageously for the nations of others, they received nothing in return. They were disappointed and distraught by this outcome. From the Peace conference of Versailles, ideas of self-determination from Woodrow Wilson and notion of accountability of colonial powers reached the African colonies and inspired them.
How did the elites play a role in African independence movements?
Many of the elites wanted to make change in the nations of africa. They themselves were modernized in the ways in education, and pushed themselves, to have a …show more content…
The whole event started when a meeting between the independent African states such as Ghana had a meeting. As one State claimed and achieved its independence, the other African territories saw hope, and thought they could achieve independence just as well.
Indian Nationalism
Why did Indians want independence from Great Britain?
Indians wanted independence since they didn't have representation in the british government, especially, since the British Viceroy took harsh rule over India. There were high taxes imposed in India, and the British took immediate control over the country. The British West Indian trading country have more power over the country. The British also let lers, took advantage of the Indians, and used them for their resources. The Hindus and muslims were also very upset with the British, since they treated the Christians in the country with more respect and gave them more perks.
Describe the early independence movements in India.
The Indian people wanted reform rather than revolution. I the early movement, the reform began with the creation of the Indian congress. They started small scale movements, and eventually came to make a list of demands. They had little involvement i the government, but even though their demands were made, it made little