Our phone saves the phone number and information, stores it into a database so we don’t have to remember everyone’s numbers. We can then just search for the name of the contact we want and it will appear.Airports depend on databases constantly, for example – once we have bought our flight tickets from a newsagents or online, our purchase is entered into a database that contains all the people who are going on holiday. When your boarding pass is scanned at the airport desks, the computer goes into the database which finds your specific passenger details so that they know that you have paid for your flights and are going to the correct destination. Without this, airport staff would have to look through the entire list of passengers for every flight just to find our correct booking which would waste a lot of time also it would be much more stressful. A database is also used in an airport to display the different flights on a departures board so passengers can
Our phone saves the phone number and information, stores it into a database so we don’t have to remember everyone’s numbers. We can then just search for the name of the contact we want and it will appear.Airports depend on databases constantly, for example – once we have bought our flight tickets from a newsagents or online, our purchase is entered into a database that contains all the people who are going on holiday. When your boarding pass is scanned at the airport desks, the computer goes into the database which finds your specific passenger details so that they know that you have paid for your flights and are going to the correct destination. Without this, airport staff would have to look through the entire list of passengers for every flight just to find our correct booking which would waste a lot of time also it would be much more stressful. A database is also used in an airport to display the different flights on a departures board so passengers can