"Probation Strategies of Juvenile and Adult Pre-Service Trainees." Federal Probation 66.1 (2002): 33-37. CECybrary. EBSCOhost Database. Allentown Business School, Center Valley, PA. 7 July 2004 . The purpose of this study was to describe and compare probation strategies of probation officer trainees and to generate initial normative data to compound the validation of an instrument that measures probation strategies. The instrument 's design measures three predominant caseload management strategies: casework, resource brokerage and law enforcement. Five groups of trainees (n=158) were administered the instrument during pre-service training. The study asked several questions relating to the variables of age, length of service, gender, and assignment as an adult or juvenile officer on role and function perception. Using analysis of variance, correlation, and multivariate analysis, results found that juvenile trainees scored significantly lower on the law enforcement scale and older trainees endorsed law enforcement strategies less than younger trainees who tend to endorse it. The study also found that law enforcement strategies fade with length of service and gender did not play a role in strategies. The study concluded that the probation strategy of law enforcement remains a primary role in probation and parole. The instrument 's ability to match officers with functional roles and intervention strategies in varieties of probation settings could assist in training entry-level probation and parole officers in understanding the range of roles, functions and strategies required to perform the job. Accordingly, the research supports the further inquiry designed in this research…