An American is not just a person residing in America, An American is a person residing in America that loves his or her country. An American is someone that stands by America. An American could live in another country after being born and raised in America, as long as that person is a patriot in their heart and wouldn’t have a second’s hesitation to raise the red, white, and blue in his or her front yard. People that claim they are American but refuse to say the Pledge of Allegiance with their hand over their hearts truly are not American. True Americans would be disgraced by these people. These people use “freedom of expression” as an excuse when someone decides to point out their anti-patriotism. Americans do not look down upon the land they plant their feet on with disgust and pity. Americans see it with pride, and with joy. They favor and treasure their home. The question, “What is an American”? can be answered many different ways by many different people. The real answer can be found in a true American.
Long ago, it was stated and written in almost every way by America’s founding fathers that this country was for freedom. Is it a chore to say the Pledge? Is it reasonable to protest the very same military that protects the right to protest? Yes, America is a land of freedom, but just as money is earned, so is this freedom. Saying the Pledge embeds America in the the hearts of many. These people are called Americans. Supporting the military is supporting freedom. Anyone that claims to be some kind of “activist” or “visionary” is probably asking for attention. Of course, there