A natural reaction to pain or being hurt is anger. I believe it’s a part of human reflex, but is also voluntary. This mechanism strikes in, when the element of cause is perceived by us as a threat.
As a teen, adult Authority was always an element of anger to me. Those who try to create attitudes such as Sexism, homophobia, racism, patriarchy, inequality, and oppression also make me angry. People not respecting my right to my own opinions and beliefs. And of course there are many other things that make me mad, like cheating or taking unfair advantage of others, but here again, I try to keep things in perspective and try to give others the benefit of a doubt.
Now this question please, "What makes you angry?” Each person’s anger comes from a different source; it also depends on the person’s beliefs, which produce themselves in their own individual way. But they do have similar patterns.
As once the deed is done, the person is instantly surprised at his own outburst and proceeds to judge himself for acting so irrationally. The self- critical mode then kicks in. From the self judgment, he would feel small, stupid, and guilty. Anger also brings out the true colors; it shows the other’s inner impression on you. But then the guilt sets in when you realize what you have done .We forget to realize the damage done and cannot help but feel sad. According to me to control our strong emotions we have to acknowledge it and put our feelings into words, this can diminish their grip on you and help them work their way out of your system and then seek perspective. I believe this will improve the situation and give a sense of control of your life back into your