Apatheism can be defined as apathy or insensitivity towards belief or disbelief in the existence of gods or deities. To an apatheist, neither the existence of gods nor their non-existence makes any sort of difference. Apatheism abandons positive assertion of the existence or non-existence of gods. In this way, it is more an attitude towards a belief and not a belief or disbelief in itself. Apatheism further implies that even if any substantial evidence is found regarding the presence of gods in the future, it would still remain irrelevant to an apatheist and will not have any sort of impact on his or her life.
Common Arguments
Apatheists have their own reasons and justifications for their attitude and way of thinking. Below are the three most common arguments used by apatheists to substantiate their behavior.
Absence of religious motivation:
Apatheists believe that morals are existent in the human society and are not dependent on religion to be a part of human society in order to apply these morals. They insist that there is no requirement for religious motivation to drive morality in human lives. They identify the fact that religion does provide moral comfort to a large number of people all over the world, but they are content with the morality they have in their lives and as such they do not require religion.
Another common argument used by apatheists is indifference. Indifference implies the belief that all religions are of equal value. According to this theory or argument, all religions can be considered equal as there is no concrete proof about the existence or non-existence of gods in any of them. The perspective of indifference used by apatheists to support their argument is formed based on the idea that since the existence of gods can neither be proven no can it be disproven, there is no point asking such questions for which there are no answers.
No evidence:
The most practical and scientific argument