
What Is Aristotle's Triangle In To Kill A Mockingbird

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What Is Aristotle's Triangle In To Kill A Mockingbird
In the year of 2017, Americans today, are able to experience an age of equality, an age where black girls and white girls can hold hands without the judgement of their society. However, individuals in the twentieth century were unable to experience such luxury, as racial injustice was at its all time high during that time period. As a result, this urged certain individuals to speak out against the injustice, especially Atticus Finch, who through the use of Aristotle's Rhetorical triangle, constructed a well developed argument to prove Tom Robinson’s innocence, simultaneously exposing the harsh reality of a black man’s life in the 1900’s.
Through the use of the three elements of Aristotle’s Triangle, Atticus crafted an argument that should have adequately convince the
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However, despite Atticus’s logical and factual statement of the trials injustices, the jury is blinded by prejudices and racism,which mean they will convict Tom Robinson. Additionally, Atticus utilizes sentimental appeal to establish an element of pathos in his closing plea. As Atticus approaches the end of his speech, he states “In the name of God, do your duty. In the name of God, believe Tom Robinson, ”seeking the intention of evoking sympathy in the jury, as Christianity was a major religion among blacks and whites during the twentieth century(Lee, 2). Not to mention, Atticus dove into this trial knowing the unfortunate outcome of the case; however, he still attempts to enact a religious connection with the jury, which aided his cause to convince the jury of Tom Robinson’s innocence. Moreover, he uses God’s name as a last resort to shatter the manacles that enclose the jury’s mind to think beyond assumptions and stereotypes; nevertheless, the jury is unfazed by Atticus’ desperation call, for they are too blinded by their hate for African Americans. Lastly, the element of logos can be found in his closing

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