What is Asthma?
Asthma is a severe chronic ongoing disease, it's a chronic long term disease that effects the air passages of the lungs causing the lungs to be inflamed, which causes less air to flow through and causes shortness of breath along with other severe symptoms. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that effects children and adults. Asthma Cannot be cured, but asthma can be well controlled through various of medications. Some individuals may have more severe asthma than others. Many things can trigger your asthma such as smoke, dust, certain foods, certain smells or even nothing at all. This particular topic matters to me because I have suffered from asthma my entire life. Being an Asthmatic I must be on a specific regimen to keep my asthma under control. Originally I didn't know much about Asthma, I heard the term but I wasn't to sure exactly what it meant. I knew it caused me not to breathe and I wanted to know more about this disease. I also heard from family members and friends that asthma is curable and they also gave me tips. Some of the tips were to drink hot black coffee, but I thought that stunts your growth. Also scaring a person can make it go away. But I also thought that was a cure for hiccups. But just in case you were wondering none of those tips I thought would work for me, and besides I wasn't going see whether or not it would've worked. So my question is: Will the treatment/prevent Asthma, advance in the next 5 years?
The percentage of people who are affected by asthma is a lot and as the years goes on more and more people suffer from asthma. In a study conducting between the year 2001 and 2009. The United States saw an increase of people with Asthma from one and 12 to one and 14 Americans. The country also saw an increase in the asthma health bill at a staggering $3 billion. Despite the obvious rise in reported asthma cases and health expenses. The air quality had actually improved and