What is behavior safety?
Everybody who works to reduce accidents and improve safe performance is concerned with human behavior. “Behavior and accidents is what it’s all about,” is a commonly heard phrase.
While behavioral safety shares a concern with human behavior and safe performance in the workplace with other approaches, it is more than that. behavioral safety is the application of behavioral research on human performance to the problems of safety in the workplace. This means that any safety program labeling itself as a behavioral safety program must meet the standards of behavior analytic research as practices are applied to the workplace.
Behavior-based safety is a promising technology for industry. It is an excellent tool for collecting data on the quality of a company’s safety management system. It is a scientific way to understand why people behave the way they do when it comes to safety. If it is properly applied, it is also an effective next step towards creating a truly pro-active safety culture where loss prevention is a core value. However, behavior-based safety is conceptually easy to understand but often hard to implement and sustain.
Figure 1. behavior and safety
How does Behavioral Safety work?
Behavior analysis is the science of behavior change. Applied behavior analysis is the application of the science of behavior change to real world problems. As we do this, we are looking for functional or systematic relationships between
• Environmental changes, i.e., the stimuli or cues that lead to behavior
• The behavior itself, such as specific areas of work performance
• And the consequences of behavior, i.e., the positive or negative responses that occur immediately after a person performs a particular work task.
These relationships have been exhaustively studied in the laboratories. Applied behavior analysis applies the lessons learned in laboratory research to the challenges of