The story begins with Leonato and his family preparing to welcome there friend’s home from war. Everyone in the town is ecstatic that the soldiers are coming home and they all make sure to look their best to welcome them home. The soldiers are Don Pedro, a very close friend to Leonato; Don Jon, who is Don Pedros bitter brother; Claudio, a gentle nobleman and Benedick, a cleaver, witty man. Once the soldiers arrive home a city wide mascaraed party is held, and there Claudo and Hero (Leonato’s daughter) meet, falling deeply in love. At the same party Benedick becomes re-acquainted with Leonato’s niece, Beatrice. The two are extremely witty and the entire time that they are together they throw insults at one another. After the party Claudio and Hero pledge there love to one another and decide to be married the next week. Over the next week Claudio, Hero, Leonato and Don Pedro decide to play match maker for Benedick and Beatrice. It is obvious that if the two were to ever stop fighting that they would be perfect for one …show more content…
This is why they needed to be “tricked” into believing that the other was crazy for them, for them to accept that they did in fact like each other. Once they accepted this, they became more civil to one another and the feelings between them only became stronger. For example, when Benedick ask Beatrice to marry him she says laughs and says no at first. But Hero snatchs a note from Beatrice’s dress pocket that is a love note, and gives it to Benedick. At this same time Claudio takes the love song that Benedick was writing and gives it to Beatrice. After the two read these notes they stop trying to deny their love for one another and get