In a Utopian Society, everyone will work the same so no one will be different. Life would not be Interesting In that kind of society because you will wake up every day doing the same things, life would just be a broken record. In a Utopian Society life will be perfect but you will probably not like your life because to keep the society perfect you will have to be run by the government like a robot with a remote control. …show more content…
Being able to choose what you want and what you need gives you a lot of freedom to do whatever you want. In a Utopian Society, you can't choose your wants you can only have your needs because sometimes people's wants will not make a society perfect, But If everyone has all their needs no one will need everything and life will be perfect. But with the exception of having everything you need life would not be Interesting because you will never have anything you want rather than what you need. That also makes a Democratic Society better than a Utopian Society.
To wrap It up living In a Democratic Society Is better than living In a Utopian Society because there's a lot more things that you can choose to do In a Democratic Society. In A Utopian Society, you barely get to decide anything that you want to do. Not being able to choose what you want to do for your whole life will create a feeling of no independence for yourself. Ultimately life would be boring In a Utopian Society because every day will be a repeat of the last so society will run perfect or near perfect every