
What Is Boethius Conception Of Happiness?

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What Is Boethius Conception Of Happiness?
One of the biggest points of dispute in the Ancient-Modern debate concerns happiness and how one might define and eventually become happy. To properly understand the Ancient-Modern debate, it is necessary that one understand the principles that support this debate: in particular, that there is a relationship that exists between morality and politics, that politics is not the end in itself, and that human nature is complex, often contradictory, but graspable if sufficiently analyzed. When speaking of these principles, the Ancients argued that morality and virtue play an influential role in both the private and public life and that a good and honest ruler must possess each. Socrates, the great Greek philosopher, claimed that as did Boethius who …show more content…
In his discussion with Lady Philosophy, Boethius first makes note of a variety of key points which ultimately form the foundation of his argument. First of his key points is that everybody is mortal and therefore everybody must die, secondly, that human beings are rational creatures, and thirdly, that human beings possess the faculty to reason, and it is this faculty that empowers human beings to gain understanding into the human condition, which is universal and not subjected to the notion of time or …show more content…
And it is learned and taught by ancient writers like the ones who wrote Achilles “therefore it is necessary to know well how to use the beast and the man. This role is taught by covertly to princes by ancient writers, who wrote that Achilles, and many other ancient princes” (69). As it is important for one to learn and know to protect the state or city and to not be shown as weak and kindhearted. To illustrate his point, Machiavelli draws an analogy between a fox and a lion, and then argues that one must possess the qualities of each animal in order to rule successful. Regarding the lion, the ruler must be ruthless and strong, and must show that he is what his title states he is, which is that he is the king and as a result of that he will not tolerate anybody intruding on this space. Other qualities which the lion possess a lack of hesitation to act and must also be exhibited in the ruler since, if he adopts another persona, he is likely to be preyed upon by those looking to see themselves in his place. About the fox, Machiavelli notes that the ruler must be analytical and critical in thought, that he must

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