Elizabeth Proctor was John Proctors third wife they were married 18 years and they were running the well known family tavern. Elizabeth Proctor was first seen as a witch when Mary Warren accused Elizabeth of trying to force her to sign the “devil’s book” in 1692. She was repetitively saying there were invisible forces tormenting her. The villagers didn’t believe her since there were other young girls throughout the village who…
Changes. Everyone goes through many different changes in their lives. In The Crucible, written by Arther Miller, many of the characters go through changes, such as Elizabeth Proctor. The Crucible actually means a severe test or trial. Elizabeth is one of the characters in the story who goes through a small test of faith and honesty.…
The stage directions help me visualize that Elizabeth is disappointed in Proctor for something he had done. This also revels their relationship is falling apart. Because Proctor said “[With a grin.]I mean to please you, Elizabeth.” But Elizabeth sounding disappointed “[It is hard to say.]I know it,…
In January 1693, while still in jail, Elizabeth (Bassett) Proctor gave birth to a son, John Proctor III. Elizabeth and John III remained in jail until May 1693, when a general release freed all of those prisoners who remained jailed. Unfortunately, even though the general belief of the people was that innocent people had been wrongly convicted, Elizabeth had in fact been convicted and was considered guilty. In the eyes of the law she was considered a "dead woman" and could not claim any of her husband's estate. Elizabeth petitioned the court for a reversal of attainder to restore her legal rights. No action was taken for seven years. In June 1696, Elizabeth filed an appeal to contest her husband's will. At the time John wrote his will, he had assumed that Elizabeth would be executed and had left her nothing. On September 22, 1696 Elizabeth married again to Daniel Richards. In July 1703, several more people filed petitions before any action was taken on Elizabeth’s appeal for reversal of attainder. The Massachusetts House of Representatives finally passed a bill disallowing spectral evidence. However, they only gave reversal of attainder for those who had filed petitions. This basically applied to only two people – Elizabeth Proctor and Rebecca Nurse. In 1705, another petition was filed requesting a more equitable settlement for those wrongly accused. In 1709, the General Court received a request to take action on this proposal. In May 1709, 22 people who had been convicted of witchcraft, or whose parents had been convicted of witchcraft, presented the government with a petition in which they demanded both a reversal of attainder and compensation for financial losses. On October 17, 1711, the General Court passed a bill reversing the judgment against the 22 people listed in the 1709 petition. There were still an additional 7 people who had been convicted, but had not signed the petition. There was no reversal of attainder for them.…
11.a. Speaker: The speaker is John Proctor, who is a local farmer and the husband of Elizabeth Proctor.…
The cold, sniveling woman put me out of her house for things out of my control. John Proctor is in love with me, and she is envious of such a thing. Elizabeth has blackened my name throughout the village and, worst of all, made John bend at her will. No matter how much I plead, he will not come close to me, even if it kills him. I wish that he would look up at my window and be proud of doing so.…
If I had the chance to be one of the characters from The Crucible, I would prefer to be Elizabeth Proctor. She is one of the strongest characters in the play and it shows through the fact that, even though her husband cheats on her with Abigail Williams, a young and malicious girl, she stays true to her belief as a Puritan throughout the entire story. Personally, if I were her, I would have tried my best to make him pay, but she did not. For that reason, I find her truly admirable. She also is in favor of justice, which is proved by the fact that she urges John to “go to Salem” to tell them that the accusation of witchcraft made by Abigail of which concerns numerous of the inhabitants of the town “is a fraud” (50). John’s wife also does not…
Arthur Miller has created a version of Salem in which the people are dependent on easily fabricated and unreliable evidence in order to prove or disprove a person guilty of witchcraft. Attempting to show that Elizabeth Proctor is guilty of witchcraft, Mr. Cheever explains that the poppet he found could be evidence that Elizabeth stabbed Abigail Williams. He says of Reverend Parris, “Stuck two inches in the flesh of her belly, he draw a needle out. And demandin’ of her how she come to be so stabbed, she testify it were your wife's familiar spirit pushed it in,”(71) after he draws a needle out of the poppet’s stomach. Elizabeth and John explain that Mary Warren made the poppet during court and brought it home that night. Mary even confesses…
Elizabeth Proctor, wife of John Proctor, goes through a transformation because of the happenings of the…
When a lot of anger is built up, it can cause someone to look for blame in people around them and how society works. The most common place they take out their frustration, especially for women like Elizabeth Proctor, is internally. Elizabeth Proctor had an image that she had to upkeep, and unlike her husband she had to keep most of her opinions to herself, and in secret. In the Crucible Elizabeth’s thoughts aren’t being heard from too often because the opinions that are constantly being shared are those of John Proctor. John Proctor is constantly thinking out loud about whether there is witchcraft in Salem, whether or not he is a witch, and whether he can allow himself to continue his affair with Abigail. “I cannot mount the gibbet like a saint.…
Times were fairly difficult for many people during the Salem witch trials, which inspired multiple people to write about the struggles and stories of those who went through this hardship. Elizabeth Proctor was o of those many that was accused of witchcraft and put in prison for a while. She took place I an important role in “The Crucible.” Between the real Elizabeth Proctor and the character in this play there were many similarities such as: Where the Proctor family lived and how Goody Proctor ended up being pulled into the group of innocent victims and accusers. According to “History of Massachusetts Blog”, Rebecca Brooks stated, “The Proctors were a wealthy family who lived on a large rented farm on the outskirts of Salem Village. . .” Also,…
The Cruciable by Arthur Miller portrays a Puritan society that at the time is unsteady. In common Puritan society, witchcraft is highly looked down upon and religion means everything to them. The play takes place in Salem, Ma, where young girls are accusing specific people of being witches, in order to get what they want. John Procter has an affair with Abigal, Abigal doesnt like Procter’s wife, Elizabeth, so she accuses her of witchcraft. Miller portrays John Procter as respectful, honest, and caring, this causes the reader to feel that procter is a good and trustworthy man.…
HATHORNE: Danforth we are intelligent people, we can see what is happening in these trials. They said to be foolish. DANFORTH: How dare that be said. There is the Devil in Salem.…
Love makes you do things you can't take back. Many people, such as Abigail, become so love blind, they don't realize that their actions could cause problems to the people surrounding them. One lie leads to another, Abigail and all the girls she was with created lies to save themselves, but in reality, they threatened the lives of others. They should have followed the laws of adultery and modesty. Intolerance is doing the wrong thing and what Abigail did was injustice and inhumane.…
She is known in the town as one of the most honest people ever and is very respected by everyone, but, regardless of those things, women are seen by society as second-class citizens throughout the 50’s. No matter how respected or well-known they are, men always dominate and that is portrayed in the life of Elizabeth Proctor. John Proctor is a man who provides for his family; he is there for support and the kindness of a father. On the other hand, Elizabeth Proctor is a good mother and a good house wife but always put in her place by her husband and this just demonstrates how dominant the character…