
What Is Lara Croft Represented In Tomb Raider?

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In Tomb Raider, there is a clear distinction between how Lara Croft is represented through the narrative and through the gameplay. Narratively she is shown to be a relatively inexperienced and sometimes helpless adventurer trying to survive on a scary island, while the gameplay shows her performing super human feats and massacring large groups of enemy combatants. There are moments when her portrayal fits with how she is controlled through gameplay, but these aren’t significant enough to outweigh the disconnect that occurs throughout most of the game.
Starting with the beginning of the game, Lara is first seen escaping from a cave. This introduction places an emphasis on how scared and alone Lara is and this is done primarily though cutscenes.
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Even as you get further in the game and Lara becomes stronger and has better equipment, the game still disempowers Lara by having her captured two more times and injured multiple other times, all primarily done through cutscenes. Both times Lara is captured she barely puts up a fight and the player has no input. Despite these attempts to emasculate Lara through the narrative, rarely does she feel weaker during the gameplay portions. One time she is captured but keeps all her weapons. It makes no sense to have Lara beaten up, captured and hung up with corpses but allowed to keep her guns and continue killing people a few moments later. To the game’s credit, the third time she is captured they do take her weapons and she if forced to fight with only the bow, but these moments are few and far between in a game where Lara is narratively portrayed as a survivor just trying to get by. Another major component of the gameplay is Lara’s climbing and parkour. When not engaged with an enemy Lara is most likely traversing around the island, but even this perpetuates Lara’s image as a superhuman. There are many instances of Lara falling, something nearby exploding or

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