RCT educational psychologists are based in the Ty Trevithick office. They share their administration area with different local authority services, such as social services and learning support. This allows them to liaise easily when working with pupils who are under supervision of two different services, such as a child in care who is experiencing behavioural difficulties at school. RCT educational psychologists also liaise with an NHS service CAMHS (Childhood and Adult Mental
Health Service) to discuss the best ways of supporting children who have been referred to both services.
My main responsibilities within the RCT Educational Psychology Service were to observe and assist in schools from the local authority, conduct support sessions, and collect and analyse data. I also underwent training for different programmes such as Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA), Person Centred Planning (PCP), LEGO therapy and Level 1 Safeguarding. Occasionally, I assisted in completing cognitive assessments, autism diagnostic scales and wellbeing assessments at schools. During my time at the RCT Educational Psychology Service, I was supervised by an Educational Psychologist to ensure I was supported when carrying out these responsibilities.