such as the minds choices can root to modes of movement in the body, and movement in some bodily organs, such as the eye, causing a sensation in the mind. Descartes states, “One needs a body in order to perceive" (4) then later, makes his great discovery as to what humans are. “A thinking thing…a thing that doubts, understands, affirms, denies, wants, refuses, and also imagines and senses" (5)
such as the minds choices can root to modes of movement in the body, and movement in some bodily organs, such as the eye, causing a sensation in the mind. Descartes states, “One needs a body in order to perceive" (4) then later, makes his great discovery as to what humans are. “A thinking thing…a thing that doubts, understands, affirms, denies, wants, refuses, and also imagines and senses" (5)