Nobody has a different birthday like we do. Everyone in the community groups up in a assembly and makes everyone a year older. If anyone tries to skip the assemble they could be resealed. There are no grave yards so instead of burying them they released, they put a poisonous shot in your neck and you die, they never tell you what they do with your body. They make the release of the elders sound really good like there being shipped to paradise. Sameness is really bad because it makes people sad and it would ruin tourist because it wouldn't have any religion and new things. In conclusion if the world was the same there would only be one religion and it wouldn't make traveling around the world fun and interesting it would make it the same. It's like if your from America and you go to China to see they're religion it wouldn't be the different from at your country it would make it the same and you wouldn't feel different, from the other
Nobody has a different birthday like we do. Everyone in the community groups up in a assembly and makes everyone a year older. If anyone tries to skip the assemble they could be resealed. There are no grave yards so instead of burying them they released, they put a poisonous shot in your neck and you die, they never tell you what they do with your body. They make the release of the elders sound really good like there being shipped to paradise. Sameness is really bad because it makes people sad and it would ruin tourist because it wouldn't have any religion and new things. In conclusion if the world was the same there would only be one religion and it wouldn't make traveling around the world fun and interesting it would make it the same. It's like if your from America and you go to China to see they're religion it wouldn't be the different from at your country it would make it the same and you wouldn't feel different, from the other