“ Alike bewitched by the charm of looks”(act two Prologue) The Prologue clearly states the Romeo and Juliet were attracted to each other because of looks. A relationship based on looks never ends well; it's not true love. Many people will blame fate or destiny for the reason why Romeo and Juliet died, however, their background, their age, and their choices show how immature they are, and this is the true cause of their deaths.
Juliet was stressed and not thinking straight. Raised by her loving nurse, young Juliet never had a good relationship with her parents. In act 1 scene 3, Juliet's parents wanted to marry her off to an older lord of equal birth by the name of Paris. “ I’ll look to like if looking …show more content…
liking move. But no more deep will I endart mine eye than your consent give startright to make it fly.” Though Juliet agreed to try and love him, she was on a quest for love, so when Romeo came to the party all handsome and young, what damsel in distress wouldn’t fall for him. When Juliet saw Romeo it was love at first sight, but she didn’t know him. They've never met; how could she love him if she didn’t know him. She was desperate; she let herself believe that she was in love. Love at first site is a childish dream of a desperate girl. She was like the spoiled little rich girl who wanted what she couldn’t have.
During this tragic story, Juliet was only 13 years old. People don’t usually find true love at 13 years old. Finding true love and willing to die for them at 13 is unheard of.
To make matters worse, Romeo went to her after the party, and she started talking of marriage( act 2 scene 3). People did get married at a very young age in this time period , but the man usually courted the young lady for few months. They haven’t even known each other for 24 hours and they’re talking of marriage. Clearly, she wasn’t using good judgment. Also, at her age and her relationship with her parents would stir up a streak of rebellion from Juliet. She wouldn’t want the “perfect” guy her parents picked out for her; she would want the bad boy who her parents hated.
On the other hand, Romeo was the moody teenager who wanted nothing to do with his parents.
In the play there was little to no interaction between Romeo and his parents. He also seemed like the type of guy that would get so depressed and emotional about a girl, but once he found someone prettier he would totally forget about the other girl. Like Juliet, Romeo was on a quest for love, but instead of being forced into something, Romeo was trying to get over a girl. His friend, Benvolio, worried about Romeo staying in his room all day because he was depressed. “What sadness lengthens Romeo’s hours.?” (act 1, scene 1) This in itself is immature; he is wallowing around his room in self pity because one girl rejected him. So they took him to a party and said there are lots of pretty girls here find someone else. In addition, he only really cared for himself. In act act 3, scene 3, he was so worried for himself he didn’t even think about his “true …show more content…
Both Romeo and Juliet were so desperate they resorted to killing themselves.
Because Juliet was so distraught, she resorted to faking her death by taking a potion that
made her pulse slow( act 4, scene 3). The plan was to fake her death, and then send a message to Romeo, but the messenger wasn't able to get to him. Benvolio went to Romeo and told him Juliet was dead. Romeo was exceedingly heartbroken and decided to kill himself. When Juliet woke up and found Romeo dead, she was so distraught she took his dagger and stabbed herself (act 5 scene 3). All this seems a bit premature. There were several different options, but they were too immature to see it.
The true reason for the tragic death of the ‘star crossed lovers’ was their background, their age, and the choices they made, all contributing to their immaturity. They were both too young for true love. Their background and influences led them to not thinking straight which lead to their rash decisions thus ending the tragic story of Juliet and her