
What Is The Civil War A Turning Point In American History

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What Is The Civil War A Turning Point In American History
The Civil War was a time when people started to realize that slavery was evil and that freedom needed to be meant for everyone. The issue of slavery divided Americans from the North and South and that wasn’t good. Some people were abolitionists(mostly the South), which meant they thought slavery was right, but there were also anti-abolitionists. These people couldn't stand how African-Americans were being kept as slaves and wanted it to stop. Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass; An American Slave by Frederick Douglass, Chasing Lincoln’s Killer by James L. Swanson, and Abrahams Lincoln’s famous House Divided Speech all explain the evils of slavery and how they tried to resolve it. The Civil War was a turning point in American history …show more content…
In the story Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass; An American Slave by Frederick Douglass, he explains how when he was a slave, he learned how to read and that made him think about how being a slave was wrong. He had to bribe the little white boys to teach him and they did even though they knew it was forbidden. When these boys helped Douglass, that’s when he started to realize that there are good people out there that understand what slaves have to go through. At an early age, Douglas read books like the Columbian Orator that showed him reading could help end slavery. Before this, Douglas thought he was going to be a”slave for life”(Source 1), but when he learned to read, he knew he needed to help stop it because slavery went against the country's foundation of freedom. Not only did Douglass want to end slavery, but Abraham Lincoln also wanted to resolve the …show more content…
But he was willing to risk it all for taking the life of our 16th President. Booth didn’t like how Lincoln was trying to make the South slave free. He found this out by attending one of Lincoln’s speeches on trying to rebuild the South. The funny thing is the night that Lincoln gave that speech, it was dark. Booth could have shot and killed him right there and gotten away with it, but he chooses not to. While Booth left the White House, he said, “that is the last speech he will ever give”(Source 6). He was right. On April 14, 1865, Booth went to receive his mail at Ford’s Theater and heard that Lincoln was going to see a play that night. That’s when he knew the time has come to kill Lincoln. It was perfect too because Booth knew that play very well. That night, John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln during the play. Lincoln died a day later. Booth thought killing Lincoln would make him a hero in the South and be remembered forever. But killing Lincoln did not change anything and Booth will always be remembered as a horrible

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