Shakespeare in Love is a 1998 British-American romantic comedy-drama film directed by John Madden, written by Marc Norman and playwright Tom Stoppard. The film depicts an imaginary love affair involving Viola de Lesseps (Gwyneth Paltrow) and playwright William Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes) while he was writing Romeo and Juliet. Several characters are based on historical …show more content…
The use of many perspectives to make it correct was not put into place and we can see this from the audience if we know the facts and history well. Anachronisms are used that are out of their time and make reference to happenings and places that didn’t exist at the time, as well as a leading character being a member of the house of Wessex which at the time didn’t actually exist as it died out in 1066.
In the film, these inaccuracies outline that multiple perspectives were not taken into consideration and that it is essential that these multiple perspectives are taken and used. These perspectives and facts that are offered help to correct the story and keep it accurate, which is what the crowd wants to see, even if it’s not as interesting as the inaccurate version. You would only have to ask people and they would say they would rather see the real turn of events that made up events.
The demonstration of historical literacy skills are not shown in great heights in the film, as there are of course inaccuracies. To achieve this, the movie must have a high level of accuracy, as historical literacy skills have to be evident to achieve …show more content…
These inaccuracies highlight that this film has not followed or adhered to the statement. The source does not match with the film as there are inaccuracies. These inaccuracies were inserted by Madden because of the need to connect the modern audience with the past, and this needed to be done as the movie was a Romantic Comedy. Madden used anachronisms that helped the audience understand and relate to the past events of Shakespeare’s time, and he also used many inaccurate happenings to achieve this. But, in saying this, ‘Shakespeare in Love’ is not historically