Having the opportunity to make new, diverse friends around the community impacted me as a person. The people I met not only included the people I served, but also included the people I worked alongside of me in the food pantry. Since I volunteered at the same day and time every week, I was able to become familiar with many new people. In fact, many of these people were even able to connect to my life. One day I had a conversation with a man I volunteered with numerous times whose name was Steve. The first time I met Steve the food pantry was relatively quiet that day so we had a conversation about our lives. Steve told me that he used to work as a funeral director in the Des Moines area for many years before retiring recently. After he told me this, I shared that my dad is a funeral director, and he used to work at Dunn’s funeral home in Des Moines. I told Steve my dad’s name and he said that he knew who my dad was and even worked with him. Steve and I made a connection working together at IMPACT that created an instant friendship between us. This is just one of the many friendships I developed while …show more content…
Being blessed with good health and opportunity, I take pride in myself for being able to use my talents to help others that are not as fortunate. I realize I have only taken small footsteps in my overall life service learning. However, I know that in the future those small steps will turn into strides of progress in from serving my community. The feelings that I have felt throughout this service learning course have allowed me to envision my future very clearly. I know that the connections I have made this semester will encourage me to continue on completing my ultimate goal: to make the world a better