If you are able to understand, memorize, and learn all of these railroad warning signs, you can avoid a railroad crossing crash or accident. It could save your life. There are also many advanced warning signs that can also help save your life should you learn them and try to get an understanding of what they mean and what you should do, should you run into or cross one.
The advanced warning signs are posted BEFORE you reach the railroad crossing. These advanced warning signs could mean many things, depending on which posted warning sign you come across. Some of these advanced warning signs include: pavement markings, railroad crossbuck signs, flashing lights, gates, and gates WITH flashing lights. All of these advanced warning signs could mean different things. For example, the pavement markings advanced warning signs are a stop line on the road. An “x” and “rr” could possibly be painted in front of the railroad crossings. These pavement marking advanced warning signs mean that there is a railroad crossing just laying ahead of where you currently are, and that you should be prepared to stop at the tracks if a train or locomotive is coming. It is also letting you know and