Earlier in July. Almost every fourth year student was running around, hurrying to the faculty room, kept going to and fro the guidance counselor and had the photocopying station up and running till late afternoon. The class’ atmosphere was quite hectic at that time, everyone’s mind was filled with thoughts of things they were doing and what they had to do after. But despite the business everyone had to deal with, one life-changing concept was perplexing us all, and that was COLLEGE. Our classmates and I kept calling over each other, asking “What course are you taking?”, “Which campus?”, “Is this course in-demand right now? How about in four or six years from now?” , “Can we go there together?”, “You’re gonna stay in an apartment then?” and the like. Some chose their course by sudden instinct, some chose what they liked but it didn’t really bother them at all, some took into account their parents’ advices, some were forced to take this or that course due to financial incapability, some considered proximity and transportation in their decision-making, some greatly considered the university’s reputation, some chose a course in a school where their family members has been attending since then, some didn’t care while some took the liberty of handling it on their own, and planned taking up the course that will herald a great future and grant them the picture of what they ought to be looking at five to six years from now.…