Since I came to this country at thirteen …show more content…
The hindrance escalated when I started college during fall 2015. I did not expect the workload needed for each class and thought about quitting. I was overwhelmed by the number of assignments and fast-paced courses due to my disability. So, even with the technology that the school provided for me to type, it was difficult to maintain the workload. In the subsequent quarter, I took two courses instead of three because I acknowledged my capacity. I was reluctant to seek help from the tutor at first. Then, I sought help from the college disability department for a personal tutor on a weekly basis, but I did not excel as I expected because I felt like a high school student when seeking for help. However, my parents encouraged me to create a better path for my future by seeking help when I need it. Slowly but surely, I excelled in succeeding classes. I acknowledge that I had to ask for help and utilize my resources properly. As my college career continues, I have succeeded in my classes, enjoyed the process with the help that I received and my motivation improved. I kept improving my time management and ability to finish assignments faster. Therefore, I was able to achieve high marks in the …show more content…
I have determined not to repeat the same mistakes by not using the resources available for me to achieve high marks. I sought help diligently from my tutors and professors, realizing that I was not the only student in my class who seek help. They helped me realize that it was normal to know your limits and seek help from those who have a deeper knowledge of the subject. From talking with my tutors and friends, I learned that I was not alone in this journey. The culture of helping others and receiving help is valuable. Through my high school and community college journey, I learned to not only use the resources available around me but to also contribute to the community, especially to those that have gone through the same challenges as