
What Is The Other Wes Moore Theme Essay

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What Is The Other Wes Moore Theme Essay
The love of a family is life's greatest blessing. The Other Wes Moore, by Wes Moore, is about two separate people with an identical name, Wes Moore. They live in the same type of area and they have hard times. Even though they both live in the Ghetto, they're lives are completely different. One joins the army while the other takes a life time trip to jail. In the book, The Other Wes Moore, by Wes Moore, the author explores the idea of parental support to develop the theme that parents should take care and support their children so that they're safe and successful. Parents will support their child in any situation. In any situation a child is in, no matter how bad, their parent will be proud. Parents do this to encourage their child. Joy says "I am proud of you, and your father is proud of you, and we just want you to …show more content…
Parents can protect their child in many ways. Some of those ways include physical protection, phone calls, and in some cases, self defense. The other Wes states "For the past two years, she'd slept on the couch listening, waiting, protecting". (Moore 36) Wes's mother has been sleeping on the couch to protect her children. She has been doing this because her neighborhood had an increase of crime over the years. The death of Wes's father impacted the way that Joy protects Wes and his sisters. She is on the couch protecting her kids which helps keep them safe. For kids to be safe, some rules need to be made. Kids tend to do whatever they want to. They might hurt themselves or even hurt someone else. This is the reason why parents make rules. Moore states "When the street lights come back on, we had to be back home". (Moore 42) Wes's grandmother told him this because there are thugs, drug dealers, and criminals on the street. His grandmother does not want him to get hurt. This forced her to make rules so Wes can stay safe. The rules that Wes's grandmother created helps contribute to

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