Silence of the lambs is a good movie (and originally a book) to look at when it comes down to great chemistry behind the scenes and a great story. If you have never seen the movie it is about a young FBI agent who is assigned to help find a missing woman to save her from a psychopathic serial killer who skins his victims. To get a better understanding of the killer and hopefully catch him before he can kill again, she seeks help …show more content…
from another killer and cannibal, Hannibal Lecter.
Here are 10 things that happened behind the scenes that you probably didn’t know about the creation of Silence of the lambs.
1.Buffalo Bill, the transgendered lady-killer from Silence of the lambs was based off three real-life serial killers. Ed Gein who skinned his victims and made apparel out of them, the handsome Ted Bundy who pretended to be injured and tricked women into helping him help them into his van, and Gary Heidnick who kidnapped women and kept them in a pit in his basement.Death's head hawkmoth {Acherontia atropos}
2.The Death's-head moths that were originally going to be used in the movie, got too cold and died. The actual moths in the movie weren't real Death's-head moths. They were look-a-like moths, the Tobacco Horn Worm moth. They dressed them in carefully made costumes of painted fake nails that they had to crazy-glue on.
3.Jodie Foster felt personally attacked during the scene where Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins) mocked her characters southern accent. He had improvised the lines on the spot and Foster's reaction was completely genuine. Hopkins had even made fun of her accent off camera, Foster said it had made her angry but also helped her to have a more honest …show more content…
4.When Anthony Hopkins was preparing for the role of Hannibal Lecter, he called Thomas Harris (The creator of Silence of the Lambs) and gave him a sample of Lecters voice, (a voice that Hopkins described as a mix between Truman Capote and Katharine Hepburn). Harris had been so scared by the accuracy of the portrayal that he hung up on Hopkins.hqdefault
5.The dead body in the funeral home was the actual actress, not a mannequin.
The gross cocoon that was pulled from her mouth was actually made of tootsie rolls and gummy bears (a delicious combination in such a disturbing form) so that if she swallowed it she wouldn't be in any real danger.
6.The fast slurping sound that Lecter makes when he said 'I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti' was just something Hopkins did in the moment, everyone thought it was great so they kept it in the movie.
The death heads moth used on the cover in Silence of the lambs.
7.The iconic skull pattern on the back of the Deaths-head moth on the cover of Silence of the lambs is not its natural pattern, it is Salvador Dalí's "In Voluptas Mors", a picture of seven naked women posed in such a way that they look like a skull. How cool is that?new
8.The scene where Buffalo Bill does his dance was not included in the original draft of the screenplay (although it is in the book). Ted Levine (the very scary man who plays Buffalo Bill) thought it was essential in defining his character and it was added in at his insistence, which led to him improvising a dance, in front of a mirror in his birthday suit. Very disturbing to watch but still pure movie
9.After Lecter had been moved from Baltimore the plan was to dress him in yellow or orange but Hopkins convinced the director that he would be more unsettling in white. His reasoning was that people already had a fear of dentists and doctors; people in white.
10."Goodbye Horses", a song by Q. Lazzarus appeared on the soundtrack to Jonathan Demme's film "Married To The Mob" in 1988. It shows up again in another Jonathan Demme movie in 1991. That movie was Silence of the lambs, it plays during Buffalo Bills disturbing dance scene.