Criminal Justice
Erika Qquinn
31 March 2013
What is the right choice?
According to, A police officer shall perform all duties impartially, without favor of affection or ill will and without regard to status, sex, race, religion, political belief or aspiration. All citizens will be treated equally with courtesy, consideration and dignity.
Officers will never allow personal feelings, animosities or friendships to influence official conduct. Laws will be enforced appropriately and courteously and, in carrying out their responsibilities, officers will strive to obtain maximum cooperation from the public. They will conduct themselves in appearance and department in such a manner as to inspire confidence and respect for the position of public trust they hold.
What is ethics? describes ethics are moral principles that govern a person’s or groups behavior. Ethics is very essential, especially in the criminal justice field. With the situation that was given, I would comply with the choice of challenging my partner about what happened in the interview room. Even though no one is perfect and mistakes are bound to happen, rules are rules. By law my partner, was suppose to wait before interviewing the minors or in this case could be suspects, until their mothers arrived. Also, recording without parents consent could leave to having case thrown out of case to due to the lack of procedures’ leading in the investigation. There needs to factual information, to prove the suspect guiltiness. How do we know that someone else committed the crime and is about to get away with it? All of this goes back to the rules, and ethics. Every officer should know the ethics, after signing the criminal Justice Code of Ethics form. This form stresses the importance of dignity, obedience, confidentiality, conflict of internet, ethical pluralism, not include private life issues, and having integrities. . Dignity is self respect or pride.
Cited: Milwaukee County Sheriff. “ Law Enforcement Code of Conduct” Northwoods Titan Conten Mangaement stystem. Web. 31 March 2013. <> Thompson, Elizabeth. “Code of Ethics for a Criminal Justice Agency” Demand Media, Inc. WEB. 31 March 2013. <>