Case #13 Two Tier Wages
My opinion on the administration proposal is that the two-tier system should be reviewed. Upon its review, new people hired would be introduced into the union system. Previously unionized employees should be paid less in contemplation of the pension scheme. my opinion to the negotiators would be that they respond to the position by development of an idea to have all the workers unionized. Logic upon the aspect of equality would also be achieved. This would ensure the workers are satisfied at their retirement. In the
context of equality, the workers and the union would be able to reduce the payment of the workers who have retired. The leadership of an organization would reap benefits from the establishment as well. The two-tier plan would affect the unions negatively. In this context, the unions would not be able to benefit from the employees. In this context, the union would be rendered ineffective.
Case #14 Zappos
In the management style by Tony Hsieh, it would be considered enthusiastic. In the development of vision to establish a wow type of a goal, Tony would ensure that the client to his organization receive the products in best condition. The customer should be impressed by the result of the business. The management of the Zappos is safe from criticism. This is because, Tiny is able to exercise better management in his organization hence the customer would be satisfied. The management style by Tony can be emulated by other leader’s indifferent organization because; he is focused to ensure the customer is satisfied.