CASE REPORT A …show more content…
A written informed consent was obtained from the patient. To achieve profound local anaesthesia, inferior alveolar, mental and lingual nerve blocks using 2% Lignocaine with 1:2,00,000 adrenaline was administered. A crevicular incision was made along the necks of teeth with BP no 15 blade extending from canine to second molar. A full thickness mucoperiosteal flap was reflected carefully without tearing thin mucosa over the growth to expose the bone surface, which was flat and smooth, and had the appearance of cortical bone. Excision of the mass was done using fissure bur with copious saline irrigation. A guide groove was made on the base of the torus using a fissure bur and the final enbloc resection was done using a bone chisel and …show more content…
In 1879 Kupser and Besselhegen put forward the word torus and it was used to designate exostosis arising in the midline of palate and lingual side of lower jaw4. Hyperostosis is defined as benign neoformation of bone tissue which is diffuse or localized5. Genetic factors, environmental factors, masticatory hyperfunction and continued growth are the current postulated etiologic factors for this entity 6,7,8. Genetic predisposition to mandibular torus may be inherited in a dominant manner7. A mechanism of proposed buttressing bone formation is stated because flexon causes release of bone morphogenic proteins which then stimulates bone growth expression as thickening, lipping or exostosis at a point of stress9. Genetic origin of torus mandibularis was estimated in 29.5% of the cases while approximately 70% of the origin was attributed to environmental factors like occlusal stress by Eggen10. Consumption of fish which contains omega 3 unsaturated fatty acid and Vitamin D encouraging bone growth was found to be etiologic reason as done by the study of Al-Bayaty et al.11 A relationship between hyperparathyroidism and development of tori was observed in haemodialysis patient by Pey Jung