for employees or workers, and are usually easier to manage, according to Practical Management. (MichaelDetlefsen, 2011)
Horizontal coordination
Horizontal, also called flat, company which has horizontal organization structure, this kind of companies do not have almost middle-level managers, which is means that high-level managers handle daily tasks or missions and usually interact with customers, and usually interact with front-line employees and workers personally.
Horizontal organization structure businesses tend to and pay attention to have the best employees morale and motivation, because there is less officialese when dealing with these problems. Also, the business with horizontal organization structure costs less to run or go a horizontal company, because managers cost more than normal employees and workers. A horizontal organization structure makes a business organization adapt to changing market conditions very quickly, but coordination of the work becomes a challenge to the business company. Such an organization has many functions, and reporting to one manager. Different organizational management units involves the tools and methods' using, that will help make sure all the employees and workers are working toward to one common goals. Effective coordination is the key to high-level performance. (horizontal-organization,