This is the academic study of books as physical, cultural objects in the sense, it is also known as bibliogy. A bibliography is a list of writings relating to a subject. It is the systematic study and description of books. It can refer to the listing of books according to some system (called descriptive or enumerative, bibliography), to the study tangible objects. The purpose of bibliography is to organize information may take the form of information about a particular nation or period.
A bibliography can also be:
1. Systematic list of writings by a given author or given subject
2. The study of books as material objects, involving technical analysis of paper, printing methods, bindings, page numbering and publishing history. A compiler of bibliographies or a student of bibliography is a bibliographer.
Bibliography in a sense is the science or study concerned with describing and giving information about writings or publications. Such information may include the author full title, publisher, place and date of publication, number of pages, and size of book. Depending on the intended use it may or at least an indication of the books general content; it may also contain a detailed description, such as the characteristics of the binding, the typeface, illustrations and collation of the book from another.
More commonly however the word bibliography is used to denote a list of books compiled for a specific purpose. Such a bibliography – examples of which may be found affixed to many articles in this encyclopedia- may list books on the same subjects, by the same author or the same period, or it may list books on the same subject or related subjects, by the same author or of the same period, or it may list books consulted in preparing a report, book or thesis. A bibliography is said to be systematic if the entries are arranged in some sort of order designed to enhance usefulness. An enumerative bibliography is usually arranged in an alphabetical or a