
What Makes A Government Necessary?

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What Makes A Government Necessary?
Franklin D. Roosevelt once said; “Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and Senators and Congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country.” Everyday people argue about bad or good government. However, putting good or bad aside, what makes government so necessary? The government can do many things, but without peace and order, there isn’t much you can do. In fact, only complete and utter chaos follows suit. This is only one of many things that come with an anarchist country. In other terms no government. Though most people automatically think the government is bad, have we ever stopped to think what would happen if we didn’t have one? Take Somalia, for example. From 1991 to 2006, Somalia was a stateless and lawless society. Anybody could easily become a citizen. All you had to do was buy a passport and some documents from a random man on the street. The country was leaderless, and the only respected authority there was called the machine-gun. Weapons were sold freely on the streets, and fights became the norm as well. However, because of their …show more content…
Whether it be for homosexual’s, feminists, or immigrants; our rights is what unifies us all together. Think about it. On Dec. 15th, 1791, the Bill of Rights was ratified, so it could add on protection that we did not have from the Constitution. If we didn’t have government, we wouldn’t have all the rights and laws we have today. If we lived in an anarchist country, would we have all the rights we have right now? Every day would be filled with crimes, and the discrimination we try not to do every day would happen in a heartbeat. As Al Franken said, “The Founder who crafted our Constitution and Bill of Rights were careful to draft a Constitution of limited power - one that would protect Americans’ liberty at all times - both in war, and in

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