I remember when I was three or four, me and Pop would watch the horse races off his computer and make bets. It wasn’t until the beginning of 2008 when I actually went to the races with him. First race, I told Pop to get me the eight horse. He ran fist and I got thirty dollars and Pop didn’t bet him. He said that he told the riders to let him win but I know now that he was kidding. I killed my first deer with Pop. It was a spike and I was four with a .243 remington. The gun was too big and too heavy, but we were in his red, 1985 chevette. It was on his side and he put the gun out the window and let me lean across. He held the gun and he told me whenever I was on it, he’d pull the trigger. I told him I was and he pulled the trigger. He told everybody that I shot it and I went with it. I remember Pop getting a new crossbow. He smoked and he didn’t think a deer would come into his stand, so we would ride in the truck and road hunt. We came up on a buck and Pop pulled the crossbow to the window. When he pulled the trigger, the arms of the crossbow bent forward. The arrow hit the deer and bounced off. The crossbow tore Pop’s mirror and got stuck in the window. We drove home to my dad with the crossbow hanging out the window and Dad just died out laughing. Even though Pop passed away, he is still in my
I remember when I was three or four, me and Pop would watch the horse races off his computer and make bets. It wasn’t until the beginning of 2008 when I actually went to the races with him. First race, I told Pop to get me the eight horse. He ran fist and I got thirty dollars and Pop didn’t bet him. He said that he told the riders to let him win but I know now that he was kidding. I killed my first deer with Pop. It was a spike and I was four with a .243 remington. The gun was too big and too heavy, but we were in his red, 1985 chevette. It was on his side and he put the gun out the window and let me lean across. He held the gun and he told me whenever I was on it, he’d pull the trigger. I told him I was and he pulled the trigger. He told everybody that I shot it and I went with it. I remember Pop getting a new crossbow. He smoked and he didn’t think a deer would come into his stand, so we would ride in the truck and road hunt. We came up on a buck and Pop pulled the crossbow to the window. When he pulled the trigger, the arms of the crossbow bent forward. The arrow hit the deer and bounced off. The crossbow tore Pop’s mirror and got stuck in the window. We drove home to my dad with the crossbow hanging out the window and Dad just died out laughing. Even though Pop passed away, he is still in my