My strong points from the Myers-Briggs inventory, I believe are being creative and great with words, works hard, and easy to get along with. These things are great for a workplace, because you need someone who will do a great and honest job, and will get along with everybody so there are no standoffs.
My favorite colors would have to be black, blue, and purple. I feel that black is a strong color that shows power and mystery. Blue is a color that looks great on everybody
and is very energetic like electricity. Purple to me, reminds me of lilacs and lavender, very relaxing and something that reminds me of home. My favorite font type would have to be Verdana; it has a professional look to it and it’s bigger so it looks like if written more than I really have.
I want an image that people associate with me to be trustworthy, fun, caring, professional, and hardworking. These are all qualities that I strive to develop in my life to become the best person that I can be.
This is actually a quote from my best friend, she told me this when I was having a hard time. I saw this all the time to myself “Don’t regret your past. If you regret it, you’re denying who you are today.” This is such a powerful message that I think everybody should hear and remember. No matter what you did when you were younger, it makes you who you are today.