Richard Nixon lived the same childhood as an average kid. Nixon was born in Yorba Linda, California on January 9, 1913. Nixon was the second of five siblings in the family. Nixon learned how to fend for himself and …show more content…
developed strong working skills. Nixon had strict parents and found this out the hard way ( Staff, 2009).
Although life can be a pain, Nixon did the right thing in order to make life easier. Nixon was thrown into a canal when he disobeyed his father, and learned not to cross his father. After Nixon’s brother died a woman was caught shoplifting, but Nixon convinced his parents not to arrest her because she had young kids. Richard Nixon grew up with many tragedies in his life, but used each one as a learning curve in order to strive to be the best.Nixon left his hopes of attending a big college behind and settled himself at Whittier, so that he could help the family with their struggles (Larsen, 1991).
Nixon took his studies seriously and stood out to his teachers and classmates. He excelled throughout high school and performed well in his college life, retaining either an A or B in every class (Larsen, 1991). Nixon created his own club called the Orthogonians, a word that means right-angled and upright, and recruited athletes and other students to join (Larsen, 1991). He was a man who knew what he wanted from a young age, pushing himself to do everything necessary to become great. Nixon was an ambitious man showing that in the way he worked and studied (Larsen, 1991).
Nixon did anything it took to fulfill his big dreams and did not stop there. A small town lawyer was not enough for Nixon, he wanted to do something more impressive (“Richard Nixon”, 2017). Nixon moved to Washington D.C. and worked for Franklin Roosevelt’s Office of Price Administration, which was designed to take care of money after World War II had started. Nixon was not afraid to take small steps to reach the overall goal he wanted. All this government work would soon lead to his military contribution, where he served as a aviation ground officer and later a lieutenant commander.
Nixon ran for government positions that advanced the ideas of being the top guy, the president. Nixon ran for a seat in the US House of Representatives against Democrat Jerry Voorhis in 1946 coming out with the upper hand. Nixon decided that the House was not enough and ran against Helen Douglas in 1950 for a seat in the US Senate, where he again was victorious. He was highly qualified to manage the work of both the House and the Senate. A seat in the House and Senate got much notice from other government officials such as Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Republican Party.
Nixon’s vice presidency was not off to a good start and did not go as he had planned, facing resistance and harsh rumors. The media accused Nixon of a secret fund for personal use called the “slush fund”, that was accumulated from campaign donors. Nixon claimed the fund was real, but opposed the idea of using it incorrectly, saying he had only received a dog for his six year old daughter. (“Richard Nixon”, 2017). Nixon was beginning to reveal himself in as a man full of secrets that liked to hide things and the public did not enjoy this.
Nixon’s vice presidency slowly became more developed though deep down the people never fully trusted him (“Richard Nixon”, 2017).
Nixon traveled to foreign countries, but plans did not go as expected when he got attacked physically and mentally. The trip to Caracas, Venezuela lead to Nixon’s limo being attacked (“Richard Nixon”, 2017). Nixon traveled to Moscow, Russia and had arguments with the Soviet General, but soon resolved the problems (“Richard Nixon”, 2017). By traveling, Nixon improved his popularity in the states and gave him an advantage in later runs. The popularity would lead the way in the presidential run (“Richard Nixon”, 2017). Nixon ran for president, but faced a rough road that would take a toll on his body. John F. Kennedy had an advantage with the use of television ads, mews interviews, and debates (“Richard Nixon”, 2017). Nixon was just coming off of the flu and looked completely drained (“Richard Nixon”, 2017). Nixon was capable of winning the election, but had little chance with the new technology. The look of Nixon was nothing near the look of Kennedy, who people …show more content…
Nixon put up a strong run, but it was not enough, he could not complete what he set out for. Nixon was 120,000 votes shy of Kennedy in the election and failed to ever pass him. Kennedy also won the Electoral election with 303 votes to Nixon’s 219 votes. Nixon was not pleased with himself after the loss to Kennedy and believed he could have done better. The loss was crucial to Nixon’s career, but he stepped over it and continued his law Practice (“Richard Nixon”, 2017).
Nixon soon returned to his old life of law practice.
Nixon continued in his law practice in California, and later wrote a booked call Six Crises. Eventually, he moved his family to New York
City where he became a Senior Statesmen. Nixon was pleased with his law work and began to gain popularity. The law work pushed the idea of another attempt to become president (“Richard Nixon”, 2017).
Nixon found himself pondering the idea of returning to the political field. In 1986 Nixon announced he was returning to the presidential race. Lucky for Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, the President declared he would not run for president again (“Richard Nixon”, 2017). Nixon never wanted to leave the political life he was forced to. World problems began to fall right into Nixon’s path helping him along the way (“Richard Nixon”, 2017).
Nixon received much support by making great decisions. The South and West gave Nixon support in return for Spiro Andrew, a southerner, being his running mate. Andrew and Nixon put up a strong campaign together (“Richard Nixon”, 2017). Nixon made a good choice by selecting Andrew as his running mate. Nixon’s strong support lead to a successful campaign (“Richard Nixon”,
Nixon faced strong competition in his competitors like Robert Kennedy and George Wallace. The Democrats lead the polls until the assassination of Kennedy, putting Hubert Humphrey into the running, setting the Republicans ahead in the running. Nixon won the election by nearly 500,000 votes, and became the 37th president. Nixon was bound to win he just needed to be patient and wait for the time to come. Nixon had finally achieved the goal he had longed for (“Richard Nixon”, 2017).
Nixon was faced with some tasks as soon as his presidency began. Nixon’s decisions in office had to please the southerners in order to keep their support. Nixon took the problem of segregation on public buses straight on (“Richard Nixon”, 2017). Nixon was able to handle each problem without experiencing any trouble. These problems were only little compared to what he would take on later (“Richard Nixon”, 2017).
Nixon made a strong push for equality between all. Despite all the opposition, Nixon hired women into his administration. In order to help women, Nixon created the Department of
Presidential Task Force of Women’s Rights. Nixon did his best to help everyone out and make things right. These are just a few things Nixon did for the people (“Richard Nixon”, 2017)
Nixon continued to help people.Nixon worked to create welfare for those who did not work or were poor (“Richard Nixon”, 2017). He also created programs to help those in need, such as aid for families with dependent children, food stamps, and medicaid. Nixon was showing much support for the people who needed help, since he grew up to a poor family. Nixon continued with kind acts not only to the people, but also the Earth.
Nixon tries to clean up the Earth. In 1970 Nixon pushed for the Clean Air Act. He also established the Department of Natural Resources and the Environmental Protection Agency. Nixon did not want there to be a struggle and tried to help the best he could. Nixon faced many foreign affairs, although he handled the domestic politics well.
Nixon begins to take on many foreign affairs. He negotiated the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty in order to prevent a strike by the Soviet Union. Nixon began to earn trust in China by reducing trade restrictions. The Soviet Union bettered their talks with the U.S. after Nixon’s visit to China (“Richard Nixon”, 2017). Nixon was on the right path to a successful presidency. Nixon was about to take on the serious war in Vietnam.
Although Nixon did lots of things for this country he is most remembered for the wrong he did. Nixon is known most for his scandal called the Watergate scandal where he sabotaged the ballots causing him to win by a stupendous amount of votes (“Richard Nixon”, 2017). The scandal caused many government officials to resign because of the result of the scandal, one of them being President Richard Nixon. Nixon messed up what he had by messing with the ballots when he could have most likely won without the help of changing them. Nixon never had anything to do with politics after this, he retired to a secluded area with his wife. On April 22, 1994 Richard Nixon would breathe his last breath. Although left in the past, his ideas are not and they still remain part of the great history of the United States. Richard Nixon created a way for future presidents and people all together. He showed that the doubt of others could not stop someone from achieving what they want. Richard Nixon will forever be remembered as not only a president that got into trouble, but also as a man who created his life by writing his own script. Staff. (2009). Richard M. Nixon. Retrieved from Larsen, R. (1991). Richard Nixon: rise and fall of a president. New York: F. Watts.
Richard Nixon. (2017, November 21). Retrieved from